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    CADR Arbitration

    The CADR offers the parties to a dispute the full range of services required for the purpose of managing mediations and arbitrations, including unique and customized solutions for the variety of procedures conducted The CADR continuously develops and offers innovative unique and tailormade services.

    Mediation proceedings

    Mediation is a procedure in which a mediator, who is an independent third party, meets with the parties in order to bring them to a consensual resolution of the dispute through a voluntary settlement, but without having the power to adjudicate it.

    In mediation the parties control the process, can terminate it at any time and tun to arbitration or court.

    At the end of the mediation if successful, the parties sign a mediation agreement, which they can submit to the court for the purpose of certify the agreement and render it   the force of a judgment.

    Dispute resolution through mediation is recommended and helps the parties to avoid high costs and protracted court proceedings.


    The CADR enables Parties to bring their dispute before a panel of arbitrators or mediators, including panels which integrate complementary professional specializations in order to ensure the professional and efficient management of the arbitration or mediation proceeding, in accordance with the substance of the dispute.

    דיונים וירטואליים

    לרשות הבוררים והצדדים מערכות התומכות בניהול דיון וירטואלי מלא או חלקי ככל שנדרש, וכן מערכת כללים להבטחת ניהולו התקין של ההליך הוירטואלי.


    The CADR enables parties who are interested, before the start of the arbitration process, an appeal on an arbitration award before a single judge or before a panel of three arbitrators, depending on the nature of the dispute and the agreement of the parties.

    International Arbitration

    International arbitration is an alternative way of resolving disputes between parties to international business and commercial agreements. International arbitration takes place pursuant to an agreement or a clause in an agreement between the parties to a transaction according to the rules agreed upon between them and does not usually require observance of the laws or litigation procedures of a country to which one of the parties involved in the dispute is subject to, unless the parties decided otherwise.

    The arbitrator’s ruling given in an international arbitration in a country which is a signatory to the New York Convention may be enforced in any other country which is a signatory to the Convention.

    For more information:

    מחלקת משכן שלום

    במשכן פועלת מחלקה ייחודית לניהול גישורים ובוררויות בסכומים נמוכים ובינוניים המקבילים לסמכות בתי משפט השלום. המטרה להנגיש ולעודד שימוש בבוררות וגישור ב”סכסוכי שלום” בתעריפים מופחתים, לרבות חבילות גישור.

    המחלקה תפעל באיזורים גיאוגרפים מגוונים המאפשרים גם ניצול נכון ויעיל של משאבי הזמן. קרא עוד